
What Is Capacity Building

You may have seen the jargon “capacity building” written in your NDIS plan.  What exactly is Capacity Building?  Put simply, this is the learning of skills to achieve a goal, usually around living independently.

Capacity Building will be a separate section in your NDIS plan, usually after Core Budget.  The Core Budget being where your supports are funded, and capacity building being more specific allied health or supports, with detail of the capacity building component tailored to your plan.

For example, if a participant has a mental health diagnosis, they may have capacity building involving a psychologist.  If a participant has a physical diagnosis, they may have capacity building involving an occupational therapist or a physiotherapist, or both.

Capacity building can also include counselling and other supports.  Depending on the skill being developed, and the line item detailed in the participant’s plan, it will determine who can deliver the capacity building activities. 

The environment for capacity building can be varied and tailored for the individual also.  This means it may be in the home, in a grocery store, at a workplace, on an outing, a short stay away from home or on a skill building adventure.  This is determined by the participant’s goals, plan and budget.

At Unicopia we tailor our support and capacity building for every individual carefully.  We discuss the participant’s goals in detail and ensure understanding by all parties.  We provide solutions to providing the services, which may involve allied health practitioners preparing a plan to be delivered. 

At Unicopia we have an extensive variety of skills and qualifications amongst our team.  To name a few:-

  • Counsellors / Family Therapist
  • General Practitioner
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Exercise Physiologist
  • Early Childhood Worker
  • Primary Educator
  • Nursing Staff
  • Support Workers

At Unicopia we are happy to assist you in understanding and planning your next capacity building activities to stay on track with your NDIS plan, and to use the plan as it is intended to be used.